A portfolio is one’s best work. And sometimes, it can be hard to decide exactly which photographs you think are your own personal best! I’ve been trying to narrow down which pictures are my own best and also my favorites that I would want to put in my portfolio. I think I’ve narrowed it down to the best photographs that really showcase my style and skill.
Elsa, first of all I just want to tell you how much I love your logo with the flowers showing through. It goes really well with your style and branding. Your portfolio is beautiful. I can tell your passion is with portraits, because they are all stunning. I love the images you took while you were in Park City!
Elsa great job! I agree with morgan on your logo. I wish I was that cool to have that good of one. I also really liked your food pics. The reason is, I like how inviting the images are, it’s like they want me to it them. and Two I really enjoyed the symmetry in the images.
I love these Elsa! Your portraits are so pretty and it looks like the people are having so much fun on your photo shoot! Sister Esplin is right, you are SO good with people!! I am so excited to work on projects with you next semester. You are so talented!!
Check out these favorites:
From Melissa:
and Erica!
Elsa you have some really beautiful images. I really like your portrait images you have a great eye! I really liked your couple images. Check out Anna’s site at http://www.annacphotography.com/
Like Anna and Sister Esplin said, you really are so good with people! It was so fun to see you interact with the different models. I also really like the image of the apple. I just love how simple it is, but it still makes me want to have an apple. Check out Erica’s portfolio! http://ericalaurendesign.com/finalportfolio/
Elsa I really like image number 4. I found myself getting stuck there scrolling through your blog. The photo of the barn is really fantastic too if reminds me of the Columbia gorge in Oregon. Keep up the great work!
Here is Bridget’s photos they turn out great as well
Elsa. You know how much I love your photos. I am always impressed by your all around talent with photography whether it be product, food, portraits, whatever! You always find a way to create visual interest and beauty with any subject matter. And it really is so true- you are incredible at interacting with people. I love learning from you and you have helped me grow so much this semester. I sure hope I can learn more from you in the future- I know that would be something I can really treasure! I can’t wait to see what you create with your business- you are going to go incredibly far with your work, my dear.
Beautiful portfolio!!
View some of my favorite posts from others in the class: http://ericalaurendesign.com/finalportfolio/ http://nathandavenport.com/best-of-fall-2014/ http://www.annacphotography.com/portfolio-images/ http://aephotoblog.com/portfolio-pics/
First off, I love your logo the most. Secondly, I love your website. Thirdly, I love your work. You are so good! Seriously, stop being so talented!! It’s just ridiculous! I love the picture of that ceiling. It is so cool and beautiful. Great job!!
check out erica’s at http://ericalaurendesign.com/finalportfolio/
Great job Elsa! You are so great!
I really like the one of Ella and the bread one. You are so wonderful, it’s been so fun getting to know you better, you’re great! Check out these posts too! 
The lighting on number 8… WOW. Elsa, you are an incredible photographer. Your images are inspiring. I love the simplicity in your food photos, and I love the sweetness in your portraits. I know you are going places Elsa. I can’t wait to see where that is.
Amazing Job
Elsa, you are a very talented person! I think that you have done a great job branding yourself and developing your personal style. I think that you are a great portrait photographer and all your shoots turn out so cute and professional! Great job.
Elsa, you are an extremely talented photographer! I love all of these images! You truely are amazing and you know how to capture those moments that God gives to us, and you capture them in a way that just gives beauty to all of His creations!
I still want to be you! Seriously though, you are so talented and the work that you display is simply beautiful. I wish we could have met sooner as well! Your personality is so fun and your laugh brings a smile to all those around. You are so stinkin’ funny and as stated before, I want to be you! Thanks for the fun memories and for letting me learn from your talents. AND image 4 is beautiful! The colors, the lines, the light, it is perfect just like you Hun. Keep it up and I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish in the next couple of years.
If you ever need some inspiration, look at your fellow photography friends’ work and know that you can accomplish what they are. You’re awesome!
Elsa. You are one of the most talented people I know. Your portfolio is beautiful. As are all of your pictures. I find myself looking through your engagements and family pics often, as well as your Instagram feed to find inspiration for my own work and even for life. Thank you for that. For inspiring me. I feel so privileged to have rubbed shoulders with you. Thank you for mentoring me, and allowing me to learn from your example and genuine personality.
xo, Erica
Check out these:
Whitney: http://www.whitneymajors.com/blog-page/
Lindsey: http://lindseytrujillo.com/byui-photography-portfolio-2014/
Michael: http://www.seanmichaelklapp.com/smk-best-of-fall-2014/